February VOM Pancake Nominees



Nominating Staff Member



Harli H

Miss Ray

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

Harli consistently 'Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset' in class, by always coming prepared, staying engaged, and using a proactive approach to understanding the concepts by never missing homework and studying outside of class. The support she extends and her positive attitude toward both staff and classmates are acknowledged and valued.

Marianne H

Mrs. Batizy

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

Marianne's natural inquisitive nature and attention to details leads to great learning opportunities.

William S

Mrs. Sanders

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

William excels in his coursework. He pays attention to process and the results are outstanding.

Jay B

Mrs. Bowers

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

Jay has been doing great work in Honors Chemistry! Jay, thank you for your willingness to learn and the positive example you set for your peers. Keep it up!

Harrison D

Mr. Aaron

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

Harrison has comes to class wanting to learn and is constantly asking questions to fully engage with the lesson. He has a drive to be great at what he does and is not afraid to go out of his way to put himself in a position to succeed.

Rowan K

Mrs. Batizy

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

Rowan falling head over heels over our science labs demonstrates his positivity and good nature.

Charlotte K

Mrs. Zustin

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

Charlotte has been awesome to have in class again. She is showing so much strength and progression in her artistic skills. I can't wait to see what she creates throughout this semester.

Abby M

Mr. Schaefer

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

Abby is always on task in physics and has really taken an understanding to the concepts presented. If she completes her physics, she takes the time to finish math or help others with math. She is a pleasure to have in class!

Kayla S

Mr. Dallas

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

It has been a pleasure witnessing Kayla's growth from freshman to senior year. She always gives maximum effort to her academic and athletic endeavors and has been a pleasure to have in class.

Ali S

Mr. Schaefer

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

Ali is a wonderful student to have in class. She is quick witted, smart, and always participating throughout class time. She has done very well in science this year and this is a testament to her taking the time to learn the material and figure out problems on her own!

Jayden M

Mrs. Vanderground

Demonstrates a Learner's Mindset

Jayden is always curious and always wanting to learn more. He asks good questions in class and often asks "why" instead of just settling for memorizing information. He makes good deductions based on his knowledge and demonstrates much knowledge across a variety of areas. He is also learning skills outside of school, such as cooking and how to do various jobs around the house. Jayden's willingness to learn will take him far in life. Way to go, Jayden!

Lauren D

Mrs. Gillette

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

Lauren regularly takes the time to explain difficult math concepts to her classmates. She has an excellent work ethic and her math skills are strong. Lauren is a character role model and positive influence every day. She is a pleasure to have in class!

Michael G

Mr. Susick

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

Michael is fully engaged in nearly every class. He is communicative and shows concern for all of his classmates!

Ethan L

Mrs. D'Amico

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

Ethan is an awesome RHS student. He has tutored after school for the past 2 years. He commits to usually 3 days per week. However, he always checks in on other days to see if his help is needed. Even though he is a straight A student, he is able to communicate and identify with students' needs and struggles. His confidence and kindness guides his empathy.

Sheza Q

Mrs. Mamula

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

Sheza is not only a bright student, she is a wonderful contributor to The Lantern. She uses her skills and connections to write about things she is passionate about. For example, she is increasing awareness and spreading the message about the fabulous things going on at RHS/RMS with regards to the intensive needs population. Being the older sibling and caretaker of someone with special needs is not easy and she does so with grace, empathy, and confidence. She shines with true light!

Logan H

Mrs. Gillette

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

Logan takes the time to explain difficult math concepts to his classmates. He has an excellent work ethic and his math skills are strong. Logan is a character role model and positive influence every day. He is a pleasure to have in class!

Lucas T

Mrs. Gillette

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

Lucas regularly takes the time to explain difficult math concepts to his classmates. He has an excellent work ethic, strives for excellence, and maintains a grade of about 100%. Lucas is a character role model and positive influence every day. He is a pleasure to have in class!

Shane Y

Mrs. Gillete

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

Shane regularly takes the time to explain difficult math concepts to his classmates. He has an excellent work ethic, strives for excellence, and maintains a grade over 100%. Shane is a character role model and positive influence every day. He is a pleasure to have in class!

Rebekah B

Dr. Tefs

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

I have found Bekah to be wonderful confident as displayed by her ability to speak with me. Her smile is contagious and she is a delightful, kind, and fun student to be around. Proud of her!

William L

Mrs. Bowers

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

I am so impressed with Will's ability to help others genuinely and compassionately. Science comes easily to Will and he is always willing to lend a helping hand to students who are struggling to grasp the material. Will's empathetic approach during group work creates a positive and supportive environment that encourages everyone to succeed. Keep up the great work, Will!

Alana P

Mrs. Gillette

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

Alana regularly takes the time to explain difficult math concepts to her classmates. She has an excellent work ethic and her math skills are strong. Alana is a character role model and positive influence every day. She is a pleasure to have in class!

Colin H

Mrs. Gillette

Embodies Confidence & Empathy

Colin takes the time to explain difficult math concepts to his classmates. He has an excellent work ethic and his math skills are strong. Colin is a character role model and positive influence every day. He is a pleasure to have in class!

Tarun V

Mrs. Sanders

Engages with Purpose

Tarun demonstrates excellence in his coursework. He is a role model for the class.

Jaden F

Mrs. Zustin

Engages with Purpose

I am so excited to have Jaden in class again. He has shown so much artistic talent this far in the semester and I am eager to see what else he creates! I love his positive attitude and eagerness to work hard in class.

Anthony D

Mrs. Bowers

Engages with Purpose

Anthony has been doing exceptional work in AP Chemistry. He has worked hard to master difficult concepts and has become a stand-out leader in class. He takes initiative and acts intentionally by participating in class, asking thoughtful questions, and helping others. Keep up the great work, Anthony!

Ryley F

Mr. Dallas

Engages with Purpose

Ryley has been a model student in MCA. She is successful in the classroom and at her job site!

Bella S

Dr. Peltz

Engages with Purpose

The 2023-24 school year has been the Year of Bella. Many seniors choose to take their foot off the accelerator their last year in high school. Bella is not one of them. Instead, she has taken full advantage of the opportunities she has and excelled in everything she has taken on. In the classroom, volleyball court, newsroom, and in the courtroom, Bella has emerged as a positive role model and leader. Thank you, Bella, for all that you do for RHS!

Taylor C

Mrs. Batizy

Perseveres & Adapts

Taylor never ceases to amaze...her quick mindset and reliability allowed for the class to run smoothly during an unexpected emergency.

Sophia T

Mrs. Batizy

Perseveres & Adapts

Sophia's reliability and quick adaptation allowed for the class to run smoothly during an unexpected emergency.

Cooper S

Mrs. Glowe

Perseveres & Adapts

Cooper has made strides this quarter keeping up with his assignments and is working diligently to maintain good grades. He has been receptive and open to advice and has shown growth in his work habits. Nice work Cooper!

Erik (EJ) D

Miss Ray

Perseveres & Adapts

EJ has made a lot of progress in math this grading period, with improved skills, work ethic, and time management. He's become more proactive in seeking help and advocates for himself. Mrs. Mason and I are truly proud of EJ's growth and achievements in math.

Alex C

Mr. Susick

Perseveres & Adapts

Alex is persevering through the grind stages of senior year. She has improved over the months and shows grit!

Willow R

Mr. Fisher

Perseveres & Adapts

Bio Battle Champ!!!

Heidi T

Mr. Fisher

Perseveres & Adapts

Bio Battle Champ!!!

Katie K

Mr. Dallas

Perseveres & Adapts

At the beginning of the second semester, Katie was not able to access the online work for Accounting. She preserved and adapted until we solved the problem and is doing a great job in the class!

Kaiden F

Mrs. Kobetitsch

Perseveres & Adapts

Kaiden is persevering through some challenges to maintain his attendance and complete school work in order to reach his goal of graduation this May. I am very proud of his work ethic as he navigates his challenges.

Parker D

Mrs. Zustin

Perseveres & Adapts

I have enjoyed having Parker in class so far! Parker has done a great job at taking directions in art and applying them to his artwork. He shows good work ethic and makes sure to ask questions to understand and learn more in Elements of Art.

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