Exam Schedule and Snack Donation Request

January 3, 2024

Happy New Year to Revere High School’s students and families!

Students will be off school on Monday, January 15th, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and Tuesday, January 16th, so our staff can grade exams, finalize report cards, and participate in professional development. Exams will be given in most classes between Wednesday, January 10th, and Friday, January 112th. Here is the exam schedule:


Wed 01/10

Thu 01/11

Fri 01/12

PERIOD 1 EXAM (7:34 am - 9:15 am)

PERIOD 2 EXAM (7:34 am - 9:15 am)

PERIOD 3 EXAM (7:34 am - 9:15 am)

PERIOD 4 EXAM (9:30 am - 11:11 am)

PERIOD 5 EXAM (9:30 am - 11:11 am)

PERIOD 6 EXAM (9:30 am - 11:11 am)

5th Period Class/Lunch No Exams (11:15 - 12:51)



PERIOD 7 EXAM (12:56 pm - 2:37 pm)

Since each student has a different class order, we will adopt an open-campus concept during exam week. Here are our rules and expectations:

  1. Students must report to all classes in which they have an exam during the assigned time and period. Attendance will be taken each exam period. If your student is absent from school during a period that they have an exam, the parent must call them off.

  2. Most classes will have exams, but there will be no exams for a few of our performance-based courses and study halls. If your student is enrolled in a class that will not give an exam, they do not have to be on campus, and you do not have to call them off of school. 

  3. Bus transportation will remain on its regular schedule. We will provide supervision in our cafeteria for students who must remain on campus during regular school hours. 

  4. Our cafeteria will have a regular lunch service on Wednesday, January 10th, but we will offer limited service on the other exam days. 

  5. CVCC students who attend CVCC in the morning can take their 5th and 6th-period exams during the afternoon make-up sessions. They should attend CVCC classes in the morning.

  6. Since there are multiple exams on Wednesday and a traditional 5th-period class, we expect students to enter and leave the building only once during the day. For Wednesday, the 5th period is not optional, and students must remain in the building for lunches. We will also use this 5th period as an opportunity to enter volunteer hours into our online system.   

  7. If you need clarification that your student needs to attend a specific exam period, please email that teacher directly. For all other questions, feel free to email or call me.

Have a wonderful start to 2024, and Go Minutemen!

Andy Peltz, Principal Revere High School

RHS Student Council and Active Minds is looking to start ALL students' day off right during the week of Midterms by providing students with simple grab-and-go breakfast or snack! We are looking for the following donations by Wednesday, January 10th:

-Any pre-packaged breakfast bars





-Any pre-packaged snack/breakfast items

Please drop off items at the main office or have your students bring them to school with them.

For additional questions or information, please contact Mrs. Rion (RHS-School Counselor) at erion@revereschools.org.

Thank you for your support!

RHS Student Council and Active Minds

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