October 18th PLC Day

RE: PLC Day Wednesday, October 18th

Hello Revere High School Families,

On Wednesday, October 18th, we have a PLC Day scheduled. During the hour delay, we will host two important meetings: a mandatory Junior Class Meeting and a Senior/Parent University of Akron Internship Meeting. All other students do not need to report to their first-period class until 8:34. Doors will open at 7:00 for all bus riders and drop-off students, and the cafeteria will be supervised until the start of the school day.

Junior Class Meeting: The school counselors will prepare our Juniors for their upcoming counselor meetings. Students should bring their charged iPads to the auditorium as they will work within the Naviance program and take a career inventory survey. All CVCC students should attend CVCC as normal on Wednesday. The counselors will meet individually with each student during the month of November to cover the information discussed at the meeting. 

Senior/Parent University of Akron Internship Meeting: Assistant Superintendent Micki Krantz and I will host an informational meeting regarding the University of Akron partnership and the paid internship program. This meeting will cover job descriptions, the application process, and answer any questions you may have. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to attend this meeting with their students. The meeting will start at 7:45 a.m. in the high school media center and last approximately 45 minutes. For those that cannot attend in person, feel free to join via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99918110639?pwd=TFhVeFVlNzlmTGpVY2t4aXUrYU9DZz09

Meeting ID: 999 1811 0639

Passcode: 530794

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