Veterans Day Breakfast and Assembly RSVP

 RE: Veteran’s Day Breakfast and Assembly - Friday, November 11, 2022

Good morning,

Revere High School will be hosting our annual Veteran’s Day Breakfast and Assembly on Friday, November 11, 2022, between the hours of 8:45 am and 11:00 am. We would like to honor as many brave men and women who have served our country and need your help. If you, a family member, or a friend are an active or retired member of our armed forces and would like to attend, please complete this RHS Veteran’s Day RSVP Form so that we can accurately plan for breakfast and seating. Feel free to share this invitation with your friends and family as well. You may also email/call Jessica Baird to RSVP at or 330-523-3202. We also welcome any parent or spouse of a deceased veteran to join us in remembering those who have passed away. We will make parking spaces available for all our guests. You may park in any open space in our main lot. Please enter through the Performing Arts Entrance.


8:45-9:45 - Breakfast in the Revere High School Cafeteria. Our Richfield Elementary 1st graders will perform for you.

9:45-11:00 - Full school assembly in the Revere High Gymnasium. The RHS Band, Choir, and other student groups will perform. Students and honored guests will also address the audience to honor the commitment and sacrifice of the members of our armed forces.

11:00-11:45 - Q&A Session with our guest speaker

Thank you for your service.


Andrew Peltz, Principal of Revere High School

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