FroshFest Presentation and School Supplies

 RE: FroshFest & School Supplies

Thank you for the overwhelming support and attendance at yesterday’s FroshFest and New Student orientation. The energy and enthusiasm that filled the halls was amazing! For those of you that were not able to attend or would like access to the information discussed at the Parent/Guardian presentation, I have attached a link to the Google Slideshow.

Parent/Guardian Presentation

One question that was asked of the counselors and me by parents was what type of supplies should be brought on day one.. Since each of your students will have a different schedule and each teacher has their own unique set of supplies required for the class, our best advice would be to bring a few pens and pencils, a folder to put all their handouts in, and a notebook/pack of paper to jot down any notes to help them acclimate to the school day and their classes. Please make sure that your student’s iPad is fully charged and ready to go. All new students to the district will pick up their iPad during an assigned time on day one. Their record room teacher will inform them. 

I hope that you and your students had a positive experience at FroshFest. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions for future transition experiences. 


Andy Peltz

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