2021-22 Parent Welcome Letter

Parents and Guardians of Revere High School,

    Welcome to the 2021-22 school year! I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer and you are as excited as I am for the upcoming school year. I cannot wait to meet all of you. The welcome I have received from the Revere community has been excellent. While there have been many changes in leadership throughout the district and high school over the last few months, one constant is the staff’s dedication to providing our students with an outstanding experience in and out of the classroom. Our goal is to help our kids achieve all aspects of the Vision of a Minuteman, and we are committed to personalizing our approach to meet the unique needs of our students. With the first day of school fast approaching, I would like to share some important dates and places to find RHS events.

    Transparent and effective communication is my goal. All essential and timely information will be emailed to all parent/guardian registered accounts. I have also set up three avenues to connect and inform the parents, students, and community of all the wonderful things happening at RHS. We will be using the RHS Calendar found at the top of the Revere High School website (https://www.revereschools.org/Domain/42) as a constantly updated platform for all non-athletic events. This calendar is specific to the high school and is separate from the district’s Event Calendar. I have also created a Revere High School Principal Page at https://minutemenprincipal.blogspot.com/ to act as a parent newsletter site. This link will also connect you with the Revere Athletics page, the district website, and the RHS Calendar. Finally, I encourage all Twitter users to follow me @AndyPeltz.

    While several teams and group events are occurring during the first few weeks of school, here are the most important dates that you need. More information will follow about each as the dates approach.

Senior Pictures - 08/24-08/26

CVCC First Day - 08/25

Frosh Fest and New Student Orientation - 08/25

Parking Pass Pick-up - 08/26-08/27

First Day of School and Picture Day - 08/30

CVCC Open House - 09/02

Labor Day (No School) - 09/06

RHS Curriculum Night and Open House - 09/09

Late Arrival - Teacher PLC Time - 09/15

Homecoming Game and Dance - 10/01-10/02

    Thank you again for the opportunity and privilege to be your child’s principal. It is an honor to wear our school’s colors and to represent the community. Please know that I am always willing to schedule a meeting with you if you have any questions, concerns or would just like to talk. I also hope that you will feel comfortable introducing yourself when we meet at games and events. Together we can continue the tradition of excellence that has been established and create a legacy that will make future classes proud. Enjoy the rest of your summer, say hello to your kids for me, and Go Minutemen!


Andrew Peltz - Principal, Revere High School

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